Web Engine Canvas

A simple, lightweight and completely dependency free canvas engine.
Create games, complex animations or specialized business solutions.

Direct usage in your project as ES6 NativeModules or via TypeScript.




The engine follows a simple concept → scenes with entities:

  • A scene is a component that consumes entities and calls three phases for them.
  • A entity is a component that can react to every scene phase.

Scene Phases:

  1. Update: Update programmatic logic for the entity.
  2. Collision: Handle collisions with other entities.
  3. Draw: Display the entity on the canvas.

Quick Setup

  1. Install the package.
npm install web-engine-canvas
  1. Embed the WebComponent within your page.
<engine-canvas id="webcomponent-id"></engine-canvas>
  1. Retrieve the engine from the WebComponent.
import { EngineCanvas } from "[EnginePath]/engineCanvas.js";

const engine = EngineCanvas.getEngine("webcomponent-id", window);
  1. Initialize your assets.
const assetsFactory = new FactoryAssets();
const assets = assetsFactory.create();


await assets.loadImagesAsync();
await assets.loadAudiosAsync();
  1. Create your scenes and entities.
const scene = new Scene(assets);
scene.push(...new Entity());

  1. Start the engine.


The Web Engine Canvas is licensed under MIT. See the license file for more details.

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